Modificación de estatutos sociales
Toda organización requiere una serie de preceptos para guiar su funcionamiento. Es también el caso de las sociedades, que se rigen por una serie de normas. Así, pueden solicitar la modificación de estatutos sociales cuando desean adaptarlos a las nuevas circunstancias. Pero ¿en qué consiste este proceso? ¿Cómo se realiza? En este artículo le proporcionamos toda la información.
¿Qué es la modificación de estatutos sociales?
Se trata de un trámite por el cual se adaptan o reforman las normas que rigen una sociedad. Como este código de organización está inscrito en el Registro Mercantil, es necesario otorgar veracidad jurídica a cualquier cambio que se lleve a cabo. Con carácter general, todas las modificaciones deben ser aprobadas por la Junta General de Socios.
Los motivos que pueden llevar a una sociedad a cambiar sus estatutos son muy variados. Sin embargo, podemos identificar tres causas principales: económicas, jurídicas y financieras. De esta manera, el objetivo primordial es reconducir el funcionamiento interno de la organización para consolidar su éxito ante un cambio de circunstancias.
¿Cuál es el papel del notario en una modificación de estatutos sociales?
El notario es un profesional del Derecho con una amplia formación y una dilatada experiencia. Entre sus funciones se encuentra la de asesorar y aconsejar de manera imparcial y gratuita.
Aplicando una total imparcialidad, la misión del notario es informar por igual a todas las partes intervinientes, prestando mayor asistencia a la parte que más la necesite. Sea cual sea el trámite o acto notarial que se esté valorando, es aconsejable que el interesado, ante las dudas que le puedan surgir, no dude en realizar las consultas necesarias, tanto el día de la firma como en los días previos.
¿Qué pasos se deben seguir para modificar los estatutos sociales?
Debe saber que el proceso que nos ocupa no es intrínseco a la sociedad en sí. En su lugar, se lleva a cabo con arreglo a la ley, concretamente respecto al artículo 285 de la Ley de Sociedades del Capital. No obstante, es posible encontrar otras menciones y matices en artículos sucesivos de la misma normativa.
A continuación, le mostramos los pasos que debe seguir para modificar los estatutos sociales.
- Redacción preliminar. Las personas que hayan planteado el cambio de estatutos (ya sean accionistas o administradores) deben presentar un documento escrito. En este, se detallarán los cambios que quieren incluir en la normativa de la sociedad y se explicarán las causas que aconsejan su implantación. De esta manera, la Junta General de Socios podrá conocer el alcance del proyecto.
- Convocatoria de Junta. Tras haber conocido los pormenores de la modificación que se plantea realizar, todos los socios y accionistas se reunirán. Es preciso informarles de su potestad para estudiar en detalle el proyecto, solicitar más información o recomendar enmiendas. A su vez, también deben tener conocimiento sobre su derecho a votar afirmativa o negativamente.
- Votación. Todos los administradores, socios o accionistas votarán sobre la modificación de los estatutos. En el caso de las sociedades de responsabilidad limitada, debe recibir el respaldo de más de la mitad de los votantes. Si se trata de una sociedad anónima, el rango se sitúa entre el 50 % de los 2/3 (según el quórum).
- Registro oficial. Una vez que se haya aprobado el cambio, es necesario otorgarle validez ante un notario. De esta manera, constará en escritura pública y en el Registro Mercantil. Esta institución, además, lo publicará en su boletín oficial, denominado BORME, para hacerlo público. Este es el paso final para implantar un cambio en cualquier cláusula.
Modificar estatutos sociales con JLA Notarios
Como ha podido ver, la modificación de estatutos sociales es un trámite importante dentro de cualquier sociedad. En JLA Notarios en Barcelona le recomendamos contar con asesoramiento profesional para operaciones de este tipo.
Gracias a la formación y a la experiencia de todo el equipo, en JLA Notarios aportamos las soluciones jurídicas más adecuadas en los diferentes ámbitos que afectan a la persona y su patrimonio, asesorándole de forma gratuita en sus consultas. Con un trato cercano y cordial desde el primer contacto, en JLA Notarios trabajamos de manera dinámica y empática, buscando la máxima eficiencia y la mejor rentabilidad para cada cliente, atendiendo las inquietudes de cada persona o empresa de forma personalizada para su plena satisfacción.
Para ello, en JLA Notarios aplicamos las nuevas tecnologías en todos los trámites, minimizando las visitas a la notaría y optimizando los tiempos de tramitación.
By your side in the moments that matter
Wills and inheritance
Making a will, making a declaration of heirs or awarding inheritance are very important moments in people’s lives.
At JLA Notarios we offer inheritance law services, both to arrange your estate and to divide up inheritance, guaranteeing the best advice for your particular needs while studying the tax implications of each case. We never forget the human factor. We even offer a notary service at home if necessary.
Contracts and property law
Over the course of our lives, we carry out important actions, such as buying a home, declaring a new-build, lifetime gifting to our children or ending partnerships, among many others.
At JLA Notarios we are experts in property and contract law and buying and selling property. We guide our clients, analysing each particular issue and always considering the tax burden of each transaction.
In addition, some of our notarial services can be performed online, so we can assist you from anywhere in Spain. Contact us to declare a new-build or a commonhold ownership structure online.
Taking out a mortgage is one of the biggest moments for anyone. Just think of the fees and interest you may have to pay for much of your life. So it is essential to have a trusted notary to help you understand what you are signing, explaining the tricky legal terms and their future consequences in simple words, to provide transparency and protect our clients.
At JLA Notarios we are aware of the importance of giving complete and understandable information to people about to sign a mortgage, novation or subrogation. We also advise and guide you on your future mortgage cancellation.
Loan agreements and credit facilities
Individuals and companies often need money to fulfil their dreams or projects. This can be obtained by taking out a loan or credit facility with your bank. When you sign, it is essential to understand the details properly to avoid future surprises.
JLA Notarios can be your trusted notary office, giving you accurate advice on loan contracts, providing a very agile and specialised service for processing loan contracts.
Bear in mind that from 9 November 2023, you will be able to sign your loan contracts from anywhere in Spain electronically by videoconference with JLA Notarios, saving you time and money. Do not hesitate to contact us to find out more about the notary office’s services in order to sign a loan contract online or sign a credit facility online.
Without entrepreneurship there is no future, so it is of vital importance to support our businesspeople and entrepreneurs.
At JLA Notaries we are familiar with companies’ life cycle, which enables us to provide legal assistance for companies in their different stages, whether incorporation, modifications of their articles of association, changes of director, share sales and purchases, capital increases and reductions, dissolution and closure, and everything related to commercial matters.
Powers of attorney
There are moments in life when a person needs to delegate. The law provides a tool for this: powers of attorney. Though a power of attorney, one person allows another person to act on their behalf.
At JLA Notarios we make sure that you understand the significance and risks of delegating or revoking powers of attorney, from a special power of attorney or power of attorney for lawsuits, to general powers of attorney or preventive powers of attorney for cases of incapacity.
We provide an agile service to sign powers of attorney. You can take your copy away immediately, saving you unnecessary trips, and from 9 November 2023 our clients will be able to sign all powers of attorney that are not general or preventive by videoconference through our digital notary office.
Family affairs
A prosperous society is based on the family and its protection. Family Law provides you with the tools to protect your family and its members, so its foundations are solid and its purposes can be achieved.
At JLA Notarios we provide legal advice on marriage or civil partnerships; property aspects of the family through marriage contracts or civil partnership contracts; the moments when the family relationship is ended, in cases such as divorce or separation; and protection of vulnerable people, such as minors or people with modified capacity, through deeds of appointment of guardians or executors or creation of protected assets. We do all of this in a way that makes everyone involved feel equally supported and secure.
Certifications and authentications
It is common knowledge that notaries attest. That important and simple action can guarantee things of vital importance, such as ensuring that the signature on a document is authentic or certifying that a copy of a document matches the original.
At JLA Notarios we will help you to certify a document or notarise a signature in accordance with the law and tailored to your specific needs.
In addition, these notarial procedures can be carried out conveniently through electronic means from 9 November 2023.
Notarial deeds
How many times have you wanted to record an event, a statement or the status of an object, or to notify someone of an issue. The law provides us with notarial deeds to deal with these matters.
At JLA Notarios we adapt to you, stating in the deed what you need and issuing your notifications and requests.
Oath of citizenship
Behind every oath of citizenship lies a story of overcoming, sacrifice and waiting.
At JLA Notarios we know what this moment means and we provide an empathetic, agile and fast service. We don’t just advise you about the actual swearing-in, but also inform you of the future requirements that new Spanish citizens need to know.
We are your go-to notary’s office to swear the oath of citizenship before a notary public in Barcelona.
Apostille of the hague convention
Globalisation enables the free movement of people and documents of all kinds. How can you guarantee that a document has been officially issued? With an apostille of the Hague Convention.
JLA Notarios can obtain an apostille for all documents executed before us so they are valid and recognised abroad. We do this transparently and save you all the bureaucratic procedures involved.
Tax and registry procedures
Tax bureaucracy can cause a lot of headaches.
So JLA Notarios offers its clients the possibility of assessing and paying the many different taxes by the executing deeds and carrying out other procedures before the notary. We can also file them with the Land or Companies Registry so you do not have to concern yourself with it and can spend your time on the things that matter. We support you from start to finish.